9 Good signs that you’re in a good Relationship

“Am I in a good relationship or not?”
Many people asked each other and this is a very common question nowadays, You would hear something like that they end their relationship because they are not living the happy life.

“Which thing  you want  in a good healthy relationship?”
Although the answer here is obviously subjective, in all relationships, romantic and platonic alike, there are some clear sign that things are going well in a relationship. Today  I am going to tell you 9 secrets of living good and healthy life.

1. No games are being played

Far too often, we make our relationships harder than they have to be. The difficulties started when….. conversation became texting, feelings became subliminal, sex became a game, the word “love” fell out of context, trust faded as honestly wanted, insecurities became a way of living, jealousy became a habit, being hurt started to feel natural, and running away from it all became our solution. Stop running! Face these issues, fix the problems, communicate, appreciate, forgive and Love the people in your life who deserve it.

And, of course, if you feel like someone is playing games with you, speak up.
2. You openly share your thoughts and feelings

In a healthy relationship, you can open up and share how you feel without your partner mocking you, rolling his eyes at you or ignoring you. “it ‘s really important to be able to articulate if something is bothering  you—whether it’s about your own personal stuff or if your partner is doing something that’s upsetting you, “say Sussman,” Having  open communication and constructive criticism is an opportunity for you both to take a look at yourselves and grow and change.”

3. Everyone is one the same page

If a woman starts out all casual with a man and she doesn’t tell him that she wants a committed relationship, in will likely never become a committed relationship. If you give someone the impression that casual, or whatever, is okay with you, that;s what will be assumed going forward. The bottom line is that you have to be straight from the start, or at least as soon as you know what you want. Don’t beat around the bush. If someone gets scared and runs away because you were honest and set boundaries, that person wasn’t right for you anyway.

4. You make decisions together and share the burden of responsibilities

Paying the bills to taking out the trash to picking up holiday cards, healthy couples tackle their daily “to-do” list as a team to keep their relationship and household humming along. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to divvy up chores even-steven, but rather it’s important to chat about expectations, suggests Sussman, and decide together who should do what to eliminate frustration.

5. Expectation of perfection is strictly forbidden

Any relationship that’s real will not be perfect, but if you’re willing to work at it and open up, it could be everything you’ve ever dreamed off. Your best friends and your soul mate may be far from perfect, but they are a perfect fit for  you. Give them a chance to show you. When you stop expecting the people you love to be a certain way, you can start to enjoy and appreciate them for who they are. What you need to remember is that every relationship has its problem, but what  makes it perfect in the end is when you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, even when times are tough.

6. You feel a sense of freedom

Stable couples express their opinions freely  and  don’t feel suffocated or held back by the relationship in any way. “The relationship shouldn’t fell like a burden, like it’s sucking the life out of  you, but  rather that it’s breathing life into you, “ says Sussman.

7. Outsider isn't calling the shots

Relationships don’t always make sense, especially from the outside. So don’t let outsiders run your relationships for you. If you’re having a relationship issue with someone, work it out with them and no on else.
You have to  live your own life your own way, that’s all there is to it. Each of  us has a unique fire in our heart for certain people. It’s your duty, and  yours alone, to decide if a relationship is right for you. You’ve got to stop caring so much about what everyone else wants for you and start actually living and deciding for yourself.

8. Your goals and values are in sync

Whether it’s the fact that you and your partner both want two kids, or  you’re on the same page with religion, having shared values and goals helps keep  a couple connected and heading the same direction.

9. You’re satisfied with your social life as a couple

Whether you are both the life of The party. total homebodies, or one of each, the happy couple are cool with what each partner brings to the table socially. rather than trying to change the other person into someone they’re not.

Last words           

hello, friends,  I hope will enjoy this post. This post is written because I saw many people break their relationships from disturbance. Please share this post and give me your feedback.

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